Thursday, January 12, 2012

To the Cloud

So the other day my daughter and I went out to eat...I like being able to spend time with my kids and as a side note should be working on spending more 1 on 1 time with the boy, and I digress.

We went out to eat, Granite City, and then wanted to spend even more time together so we went to a local mall...and there...with all it's amazing awesomeness...was an istore, or an icloud store, or an "ineed an itowel to wipe away the idrool" store, whatever the fruit store is called, we walked in...

Seriously, AWESOME, but do I need an ipad to tell me what an itouch is? How do you think I would know how to work an ipad if I don't know how an itouch works??  There was so much technology there and a lot of it was duplicated...but that doesn't mean I didn't stop at every piece of gorilla glass covered electronics(regardless of the size) I could find.

So why am I telling you this? No reason. Turns out I have an iphone, which I am actually blogging from while shopping with my wife, and I thought I would see if I was maximizing my phone's ability.
Unfortunately, the store was packed and I was unable to get the attention I wanted from an iemployee, so we just drooled on their stuff and left.  Oh yes, idaughter drooled too.

Honestly though, technology has so many upsides I just hope that Apple got it right and that their logo - the apple with the bite out of it - represents our eyes being opened to possibilities like Adam and Eve, vs a "less than it could have been" life for generations to Adam and Eve.

I'd prefer that one day we don't look at ourselves and say "I liked it back, the other day, when my life was more sunshine than iclouds"

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