So the other day my wife and I decided that we were going to focus on making our house, our home. I think this means different things to each person but to us it means putting everything into this house instead of waiting "cause we're gonna move". This means we need to purge that which we don't need and start with the process of creating a solid home.(2 Timothy 2:19-21) I'm excited for this because there are things that I think I have put off doing because I was assuming we were going to move (probably a thought for a future blog post).
So why am I telling you this, and what does it have to do with the title...glad you asked! My job was to go through the electronics and determine needed to be done with know, what to do with the speakers, cd players and VCR that I'm sure we will need again because DVDs will never make it, and determine...Are we going to sell them? throw them? donate them? Chuck them in a field and hope no one catches us? Probably not the last one.
So job 1 was go through the wire box. This is the box that had all the old speaker wire and cable boxes, I think there was some splitters in there too. I'm just glad no small animal decided to make it a home. After I got the wires separated ("you got to keep them separated") and put into baggies for possible sale I moved onto other aspects of the pile. Here is were I found the inspiration for my blog.
While going through some old computer parts, monitors, keyboards etc. I came across a mouse for our last computer. I flipped it over and there you have it...a ball at the bottom. I got to thinking about how mice nowadays only have that spooky red light not a little rubber ball. My kids will never get the joy of having to undo the bottom of the mouse to do a mini-vasectomy and clean out all the dust that collected in there. Our kids will not know the joy of getting in trouble because they were taking their mice apart (not in science class but in media or computer lab or whatever they call it now) to throw around the contents. Will our kids will never be restricted to a mouse pad??? Nooo, they will be able to mouse on any surface they want to with out worry of running out of room from the edge of a semi rubber semi cloth thing that we were forced to use the mouse.
So although it was sort of unnecessary to tease you with the thought of little mice balls(my sure my wife got a kick out of the title). I hope I helped remind you of something that's different for you from the other day.